সিলেট ৩১শে জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ | ১৭ই মাঘ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ
প্রকাশিত: ৭:৫১ পূর্বাহ্ণ, আগস্ট ৫, ২০২০
Shafi Sammi Mahdi:
A bomb blast near the Lebanese capital, Beirut, has injured 21 members of the Bangladesh Navy. One of them is in critical condition. A naval ship was also damaged in the blast. The critically injured Navy has been admitted to the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC).
According to the Navy, they were on the Bangladesh Navy ship ‘Vijay’ under the UN peacekeeping maritime task force. The injured were rushed to Hamud Hospital by helicopter or ambulance after initial treatment under the supervision of UNIFIL. At present they are safe. The injured sailors are undergoing treatment under the overall supervision of UNIFIL.
The Navy also added the details of the damage caused to the Navy ships in the accident are being calculated. The Naval Headquarters is in constant touch with the Navy Ships, UNIFIL Headquarters, and the Bangladesh Embassy in Beirut in this regard. The UNIFIL Head of Mission and the Force Commander and the Maritime Task Force Commander are closely monitoring the overall situation.
Immediately after the blast, the Bangladeshi Ambassador to Beirut, Major General Jahangir Al Mostahidur Rahman, visited Banauja Vijay on the spot and provided all necessary assistance to transfer the injured to the hospital and provide proper medical treatment.
Bangladesh Navy warships have been participating in UN peacekeeping missions in Lebanon since 2010. As a member of the Multinational Maritime Task Force in the Mediterranean, the Navy’s warship Victory Unified is currently engaged in establishing world peace. The ship has been working efficiently to prevent the infiltration of illegal weapons and ammunition into Lebanese territory. In addition, the Bangladesh Navy is conducting maritime interdiction operations in Lebanese waters, surveillance of suspicious ships and aircraft, rescue operations on wrecked ships, and providing necessary training to Lebanese naval personnel.
Source: Prothom Alo
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